Prayer Groups
Prayer is the oxygen of the Christian life and underpins the life and ministry of StAndrew’s. It enables us to open our hearts to God, sharing with Him all the joys and sorrows of life and experience His life-transforming power.
Saint Andrew’s offers a number of opportunities for praying together and where everyone is welcome to participate.
Prayer groups: meet twice monthly, on the first Saturday of each month, 9 - 9:30 am, at the back of the church and the third Wednesday at 8 pm in a home.
Prayer Focus: a monthly leaflet which is distributed by e-mail and hand and comprises prayers written in response to requests from individuals by word-of–mouth, e-mail and the prayer board.
Prayer board: situated on the wall near the font; members of the congregation and visitors can pin up their own prayer needs using the prayer-request slips in the pews. These requests are prayed for every day during the succeeding month.
Intercessions in church services: specific requests can be made for people to be prayed for during services. The intercessions for most 10:15 a.m. Sunday services are prepared by lay people and include prayers for the housebound, sick, bereaved, roads in the parish and wards in Kingston hospital.
Specific prayer can be requested through any member of the clergy and congregation and via the parish office. Further information about the prayer groups is available from the parish office.